2009年2月7日 星期六

威德奇遇记 "天父, 我錯了!" 之一 - 以鬼做父 . "Heavenly Father, i'm wrong!" Part I - Evil as My Dad

人物介紹/ Who involved:
1. Colleague of Polis UC.
2. Polis UC.
3. 威德森林/ Myself
4. 魔鬼 (心里)/ Evil
5. FCC的凌牧師 (心里)/ Pastor Lin
6. FCC的彼得葉弟兄 (心里)/ Bro Peter Yap

時間/ Time:
2009 年 2 月7 日, 下午大約 420PM/ 07.02. 2009, about 420pm

地點/ Location:
美里富麗華霸級購物中心外的小型交通圈/ Small Roundabout near, Boulevard Hypermarket, Miri

情況/ Situation:
自願錯過多次有人可以載我出門的機會, 卻選擇自己才騎過兩次老弟的古董鐵馬冒險出征去郵局寄我的求職信...

出門前已經有不太好的預感, 但太具冒險感,與早已整裝待發的我, 就這樣風塵樸樸地 ... ..

Colleague of Polis UC.: Wei! Lu... (waved to me)
威德森林: (os: S~x~I~x) He call me or?

Colleague of Polis UC.: Wei! Mana lu IC dan Lisen?
威德森林: Er... Wait for a while... (os: D~I~x, I don't have Motor License) (passed him my I-Card & 'P' car driving license)

Colleague of Polis UC.: Em... Lu orang mana? Ada Motor Lisen kah? Mana lu "P" depan? Mana Lu "Road Tax"? (took out saman and opened half way)
威德森林: Em..... Ya.. Er... (os: This time really D~I~x hard hard loh... all don't know got or not... How? How? How?) (pretended don't know BM)

威德森林: Er... Er..."Boleh Tolong" kah?
Colleague of Polis UC.: Lu faham "Tolong" kah? Mahu kami "Tolong" kah? (called Polis UC. to handle me)

Polis UC.: (directed me to aside) Ok, saya mahu tolong you sama~ Saya mahu "Gentlman Settle" sini sama~ Macam mana you mahu saya tolong?
[FCC的凌牧師 & FCC的彼得葉弟兄出場]
威德森林: (thought of what 凌牧師 shared in church, if he himself forget or purposely choose not to fast seat belt, if get catch by Police, he will just pay the saman without thinking, as he knows he himself drive illegally; and I was once fetched by 彼得葉弟兄, due to overload too many bros & sis in his kancil back seat, while Polis stoped him, ask him for the "Drinking Money", he insisted that Polis directly, end up, God blessed us, after warn us, Polis let us go... ) Em.. Er...

Polis UC.: You tak ada Motor Lisen- ini rm300, tak ada "P"- ini rm300, tak ada "Road Tax"-ini rm300... Macam ini... Banyak expensive... (calculated in front of me)
威德森林: O... (decided not to give "Kopi O", but still shout by the amount Polis UC. counted)

Polis UC.: Got cash?
威德森林: (show him my empty wallet with only 10 peices of rm1)
Polis UC.: (looked at my wallet clearly) Macam ini tak boleh.. Ada kawan sini? Boleh telephone dia tolong you dulu?
威德森林: semua kawan-kawan di West Malaysia o...
Polis UC.: haiya.. ada bank kad kah?
威德森林: (hide my bank cards) tak ada sama...
Polis UC.: Macam ini saya tak boleh tolong! (called his colleague to handle me again)

Colleague of Polis UC.: Ok, saya buka you "tak ada Road Tax" sahaja! Kerana tak ada Lisen mahu pergi court!

威德森林: (thanks GOD, only fine me this section!) Ok, terima kasih.. terima kasih...

威德森林: (continue my way to post my RESUME)

***Sorry, GOD! I should not have the initial to give "Kopi O" to Polis, please forgive me!***
