2008年10月7日 星期二

威德历险记 "打劫篇" 之二 - "M"警察 。 "The Robbery" Part II - De Police in "M"

想起小学时代,我的志愿这个作文题目在作文课时往往是个普通级的题目, 所有小学生都应该写过, 我也不例外.

说实在的, 小时侯, 我有蛮多志愿的a, "警察" 也是我其中的梦想之一...

在我心中, "警察" 是最严肃, 正直, 诚实且最值得尊崇的神圣职业. 不过, 经过这次, 在马打劫案, 我对 "Polis" 完全改观!

你还处在错愕万分 + 负伤之余, 没有一句问候就算了, '还要你DIY式的做笔录', '散慢和不确定的举动,态度' '与同事在一旁寒喧'..... 真的够了!!! (我在想, 是全世界的"警察"办案都是这一个样?!! 还是, 只有马国 "Polis" 是这样的呢??!!!)


could still recorded, when I was in Primary School, while in the Chinese Writing Class, there was always a common topic that teacher liked to give the little school children to write, there was "My Ambition".

There were many ambition I have, to become a "Policeman" was one of my dream...

In my mind, "Policeman" is the most Seriously, Integrity, Honest & Respected Occupation. However, after this Incident in Malaysia... The Image of "Polis" is totally changed...

Gave you a 'Sample of Report Format', 'Keyboard', 'Turn the Monitor to You', 'Gossip around with Colleagues', 'Slow & Don't What to Do Respond'... OMG, that's really enough to being a Victim of Fresh Criminal Case in Malaysia... (I Wonder... Is this a International handling Victim Procedures by Police All Over the World or Just happened in Malaysia???)

Malaysia "BOLEH" maybe, but "Polis"....... (You know Yourself Boleh or Tak Boleh)

Hope Police in Taiwan don't be the same... ... ... .....
